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UniPrint White Papers
Secure by Design: UniPrint Infinity’s Multi-Layer Approach to Cloud Printing Security
This whitepaper discusses the four key security features offered by UniPrint’s cloud printing solution. One Virtual Print Queue, 256-Bit End-to-End Data Encryption and Secure Pull Printing, Secure Cloud Printing without VPN
Printing from VDI Environments: Common Problems and Solutions Whitepaper
This whitepaper explores the most common printing related issues experienced in VDI environments, and some of the solutions for these problems, that are available in today’s market
6 Best Practices You Should Know Before Implementing BYOD Printing For Your Enterprise
This whitepaper will outline several best practices pertaining to enterprise mobile printing, aiding companies in choosing or improving their mobile printing environment, and enabling cost savings, enhanced resource delivery, and secure, worry-free mobile printing.
Best Practices For Effective Adoption and Operation of Epic EMR
Physicians and other members of the healthcare team must be able to effectively use Epic’s EMR system in order to achieve desired results. This whitepaper will detail several best practices for effectively adopting and operating the Epic EMR while also increasing productivity levels.
Secure Cloud Printing: How to Ensure Complete Security in the Cloud
This white paper addresses common security concerns organizations have when moving their printing infrastructure to the Cloud and technical details on how UniPrint Infinity ensures complete print security.
How to Optimize Epic Printing in your Healthcare VDI Environment
This white paper addresses the common printing and workflow issues with EPIC in a VDI environment and the considerations to optimize EMR printing.
How to Leverage Virtual Printing in a Healthcare VDI Environment
This white paper outlines practical considerations in leveraging virtual printing solutions such as secure pull printing, high availability, rule-based printing, label printing etc. in a healthcare VDI environment.
Secure Cloud Printing for Microsoft Office 365 and Azure
This white paper outlines practical considerations in achieving a secure cloud printing infrastructure for Microsoft Office 365 and Azure Cloud environments.
Remote Site Print Servers: The Last Stand for Onsite Servers?
This white paper presents practical considerations on consolidation of print servers into the data center and alternative deployment of effective local print appliances.
How to Achieve A Secure Print Infrastructure
Achieving secure printing for confidential documents is an ongoing consideration for all responsible and compliant IT departments. This white paper seeks to address the challenges and considerations, ramifications and benefits of achieving a sustainable, solid, demonstrable print infrastructure, otherwise termed as achieving a state of secure print.
Why Print Management: The Hidden Costs of Printing
Gartner estimates that printing costs tally up to 3% of a company’s revenue. This paper spells out the typical categories of print expenditure and practical tips to reduce print costs overnight.
Why Print Management: Considerations on Reducing Your Printing Costs
Reducing the cost of print can be a painless way for enterprises to alleviate their hard-pressed IT budgets, so it is good practice for IT Managers to constantly seek new ways to streamline printing costs. This white paper highlights common challenges and considerations to reduce your printing costs and positively impact your bottom line.
Considerations of Remote Printing: Achieving Anywhere, Any Device Printing
This white paper outlines the challenges of moving user sessions from local to remote printers, through a centralized data center, in a mixed client platform.
Print File Formats: A Comparative Analysis of EMF, OpenXPS and PDF for Enterprise Printing
The purpose of this white paper is to provide a technical comparison and analysis of each of the three most widely adopted print file formats within Universal Printer Driver (UPD) solutions, and how they influence printing performance in enterprise computing environments.