Secure Print Release: 3 Ways to Securely Print Your Documents
By Arron Fu, CTO on April 17, 2017

Every enterprise strives to make existing business processes and workflows more efficient and ultimately to reduce costs.
In a busy organization, documents are often left at a printer or forgotten about. Depending on the department or industry, this can be a huge security risk.
Secure print release solves this by giving you control to print your print jobs when and where you want without having to worry about any security risks.
Enterprise Print Management: How to Establish Consistent Printing in Multi Hybrid Environments
By Arron Fu, CTO on April 13, 2017

One of the biggest challenges for any new technology is user acceptance, whether it is from the IT department or end users. Without full scale acceptance, not much will be implemented despite high ROI and senior executive sponsorship.
There are two main challenges that you must overcome to establish full scale acceptance.